Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Persian Rug and Table Final Render Shots

The Persian rug and wooden coffee table are prop models used in the Right Front Room Scene. The room scene, leather couch, Persian rug, table, and Seventies TV were all completed and modeled in 2 days time.

Right Front Room Final Render Shots

Here I had modeled a section of a house, specifically the right front room. This was modeled, unwrapped and textured in less than two days. The right front room was created to allow the Kimber .45 guns an environment to be placed into for reflection and realistic purposes.

Kimber Guns Final Render Shots

These are 3D replications of a Kimber .45 with
an extended barrel and optional silencers.

Introduction of Trace Gene Bergeson

Hi, I'm Trace Gene Bergeson a recent graduate from the Art Institute of Seattle, with my Bachelors in Fine Art's (with Honors) in Media Art's and Animation. I am blogging about my growth through the stages of my 3D modeling career. As it starts from the ground up; you can watch my 3D art take flight and grow in to the industry standards I hope it is to be considered one day.